Dallas Historian

1800 - 1850

1842 A few men came to the area now known as Dallas. Until then only Indians were along the banks of the LaCreole, where the game was plentiful.
1843 James A O’Neil was here and James W Nesmith, Jesse Applegate, Charles Applegate, Lindsey Applegate arrived.
1844 45 families had started to arrive.

Colonel Cornelius Gilliam headed a party that left Missouri and settled near Cynthian.

James O’Neil built a grist mill on the Rickreall at Ellendale, west of Dallas.
1845 September 6, the first court case on record was held in Jefferson Institute; LC Lyle vs. John Stewart.

First property tax was levied. 1/8th of one percent of the valuation of the property.
1846 April: the Jefferson Institute was built on the donated land claim of Carey Embree.

The school was used as a church on Sundays.

First circuit court: September 6, J.C. Lyle vs. John Stewart, held here as there was not courthouse.
1850 County seat was formed in Cynthian and the houses of Thomas Lovelady, Carey Embree, and John Lyle were used for holding court.

January 8, O’Neil’s mill became the first post office.